QRF Implementation Notes

System Administration Information

Data Tables Used by QRFs
Email SMTP Connection

Defined in [tbsSettings] under Group 'System', Setting Name 'ConnectionSMTP'.  The entry is a single text string of 'SMTP_Server;User_Name;User_Password'.

Distribution Email List

Defined in Application System SQL table [tbsSystemSQL], using System SQL Identifier 10151 (SYS_SQL_QRF_SUBMIT_EMAIL).  This must be defined as a list of semi-colon separated Email Addresses.  SQL Count values are used as follows:

Setting QRF Status

The following notes are to provide Internal HighStone Support Staff guidance as to how to progress a QRF through the system. HighStone Support Team members have varying degrees of knowledge of the database, experience in a specific topics area's or differing skills etc. Should the local support team member be unable to resolve, then enlist the advice and assistance from other HighStone Support staff. The QRF status should remain as 'Picked-up' and sufficient measures taken to resolve the request/issue through internal resources.

Submitted - QRF's raised by the Users (or by the Support Team on their behalf if  necessary), automatically set at the initial input.

Picked-up - Initial Assessment by the support team / Allows Users to be aware that their submission has been received by the HighStone Support Team.

Progressing - Set this status to indicate that a HighStone Support Team member is in the process of dealing with the request. Add a Note to the QRF to indicate who is dealing with the request, not only useful for the User, but informs other team members who is progressing the issue. Not all QRF will be dealt with locally, nor can be answered immediately from the initial assessment;

Answered - If you can respond immediately, then do so and close the QRF.

Report Request – Indicates that a report request, amend or issue has been submitted - This status will not change until the request has been completed and the report is issued.

Once all steps have been taken and it is evident the issue cannot be dealt with internally, then the status should be changed to the below, together with any other initial findings, investigations carried out, etc.

Passed to CCL - Indicates that the query cannot be dealt with internally and requires input from Claremont Controls.

Development - This status will be set by CCL only, targeted at requests/issues that require HighStone Development.